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Our Blog

Could you lose your inheritance in your divorce?

In Indiana, the general rule that’s followed when it comes to marital assets is that everything that a couple earns or acquires after they get married gets put together in one pot, to be divided up if they divorce as equally as possible. Property that’s received as part of a gift or
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Know your options and carefully plan your defense

When you are facing criminal charges, you have to think about how they will impact your future. The effects of a conviction might be far-reaching, so you have to plan accordingly. We know that you might have some questions about your case. We can help you to get the answers to those
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Can you include digital assets in your estate planning?

Digital assets aren’t tangible things you can physically pass on to another person, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to include them in your estate plans. In some cases, your digital assets might even come with monetary value, which means you might want to work with an estate law professional to
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Getting a divorce in Indiana? Three reasons to consider mediation.

In previous generations, those who were going through a divorce had few options. If the couple chose to end the marriage, the couple was likely headed to court to battle out their differences before the divorce could be finalized. These days, couples have more options. One that has been growing since the
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