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Family Law

Who Has Child Custody When the Parents Are Unmarried?

Child custody discussions are very common in divorce proceedings between parents. Based on the financial situation of each parent and the well-being of the children in question, the court decides how the children will split their time and what support each parent will need to provide. However, courts determine child custody in
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How to Stop Parental Alienation

Divorces can be highly emotional events for everyone involved – including both spouses and the children they may have together. However, some parents can use divorce to vent their frustrations about their ex to the child, leading to some children developing a negative picture of the other parent. This act is known
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What Are My Rights as a Stepparent?

The relationship between you and your stepchildren is special. Although you may not be their biological parent, you care for them just the same. Unfortunately, the courts do not always afford you the same rights as a biological parent during a divorce proceeding. While you may not be able to claim all
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What Are Grounds for Divorce in Indiana?

If you are considering filing for divorce from your spouse in Indiana, it can be very stressful trying to navigate the legal proceedings. The court will require you to prove that you have legal grounds for divorce or a valid reason for doing so. Unlike some other states, Indiana is a no-fault
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Undue Influence and Financial Abuse of the Elderly

Recently, our office received a favorable judgment regarding undue influence and financial abuse of an elderly individual. Elderly individuals can be at risk of being taken advantage of in the forms of undue influence and financial abuse when family, friends, and caretakers are in a position of power over the elderly individual.
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