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Time with your children is precious, use it wisely

On Behalf of | Aug 10, 2018 | Custody and Parenting Time

Time with your children is precious, use it wisely

One of the most difficult things to determine when you are working out a child custody agreement is when each parent will have the children. More and more cases are being resolved by using parenting time that is as equal as possible. While it might not even seem like it is going to work, this is a good arrangement for the child and both parents.

We realize that you might not even know where to start. You should review possible schedules and write out how they will impact your new career. This can let you know what might work. Write out your work schedule and your child’s normal schedule. Discuss those matters and determine if there is a way that you can arrange the parenting plan to reflect those needs.

As you are thinking about the time your child will be with you, make sure that you aren’t expecting too much out of the time. It is a good idea to keep the children engaged with activities; however, all children also need down time to just relax and enjoy family members. With this in mind, try to plan some activities at home. This might be playing board games as a family, reading a book or watching a movie.

Ultimately, you and your ex need to determine if the child will follow some special schedule. You might need to consider bringing someone else in to help you and your ex work through the issues that are present. We can help you find out what actions you might take so that your child’s best interests are upheld.
