Occupation, income tie into divorce rates
Does your occupation or your spouse’s occupation affect your marriage’s ability to thrive?
According to recent research in the United States, an individual’s job is an indicator of whether or not that person will end up divorced.
Gaming managers who work in casinos and bartenders, for example, are each over 52 percent likely to end up divorced. Also scoring high on the list are those who work as telemarketers, flight attendants and various types of machine shop employees.
On the other end of the spectrum, actuaries were most likely to have stable marriages. They divorce just 17 percent of the time. Scientists, doctors and chemical engineers are also fairly insulated in their marriages.
Researchers feel that there’s a direct relationship between money and/or job stability and the divorce rates. They note that divorce is higher among those who are unemployed than it is, in general, among the employed. They believe that it’s money stress brought on by job instability that provokes the divorces.
It’s important not to see these statistics as portents of either marital success or doom. There are likely a number of factors involved in each situation that could skew the results.
For example, a casino worker and a bartender who are married may experience twice the dissatisfaction and financial instability in their marriage as two doctors who are married to each other. A telemarketer who is married to an engineer may not experience any of the stress associated with the job or an unstable income and be quite securely married.
If, however, you find that you are unhappy in your marriage — or suspect that your spouse may be — it’s wise to get legal counsel early on. That way, you can be prepared to handle the fallout and changes that all divorce — whether high-assets or low-assets are involved — brings.
Source: CBS Miami, “Bartenders, Telemarketers Among Jobs With Highest Divorce Rate,” Dec. 19, 2017